Author Archive

Emma Rae

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Solo Performers.


For the convenience of the reader all dates are in reverse so that the blog reads from start to finish. All actual dates are written within each post. Stelarc After being allocated Stelarc as a solo performer I started research. What was immediately interesting were the images that came up when entering his name into the search […]

My solo performance. Biographical


In and out of lessons we have been developing monologue pieces. At first I found this difficult as I don’t have any major events in my life that I could talk about, and anything I could talk about I’d rather keep to myself. However when watching Spalding Gray’s Swimming To Cambodia (1987.) I started to come up […]

Final Performance Ideas.


I’m really interested with playing with people senses. By this I mean that when we go to a theatre we are used to sitting, watching and listening to a performance. In my final performance I really like the idea of either taking away the vision of audience members by using eye masks or the hearing of audience […]

Okay…so I need a little inspiration.


Following my idea of having half the audience with headphones and half the audience with eye masks I set out to find some videos I could use where the sound did not match the action in the video. This turned out to be much more difficult then what I thought. Here are a few I […]

A few problems along the way.


After asking anyone and everyone I know if they have any sound proof headphones there was a word I was getting used to hearing; ‘No.’ It appeared that getting phones that block out sound completely was proving to be difficult, so I decided to do a little DIY. After finding some headphones that muffle sound […]

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